2019 first trip – Kao Hsiung Weekend (2)


QiJin is a small but cute island, we rent a tricycle to drive around. Be cautious: i didn’t see the sign of how much that would cost, long story short, the guy there charged me twice as it was supposed to be. He also made up a story of how much is one hour and he would give me free half hour if I rent. Anyway, after I returned the tricycle then I saw the sign for charging for one circle, no matter how much time you take.   No worries, I just wrote here to give you some tips if you happen to go there one day.

We ate some local food and visited the ‘black beach’ there,  didn’t eat too much as our goal that night was to visit another famous night market in Kao Hsiung — Rui Feng night market.  My goodness, I never seen so crowded night market before, not the ones in Taipei.  Therefore, I was concluding that Kao Hsiung people are more enthusiastic eaters.  From some Youtube Vloggers, we learnt that there was some “fried chocolate chicken fillet”, and my husband and elder daughter were both chocolate lovers (myself as well, however I doubt the taste of these two ingredients together). After spending at least half an hour asking around for that specific food stand, finally we found it.  The owner of this “God Chicken Fillet” was trying to  come out some new taste for famous Taiwan fried chicken fillet, and it kinda of worked. Although it didn’t get the long queue of “the angel chicken fillet”, it still got customers constantly. As the result, i didn’t like the taste that much, but those two did.  There were many interesting things at the night market, we bought some, at the end, really got tired of the crowds, then called it a day.


If you plan to try out Kao Hsiung night markets, Rui Feng definitely is recommended. One of my colleagues said that Liuhe was tourist trap and we didn’t even think about going, you always listen to locals, that’s the gold advice.


(to be continued…)