1st day in Serbian School – moved from Taiwan

A lot of things happened.

Obviously, I didn’t update constantly enough for X, Y, Z reasons. I don’t know if I will write continuously from now on, as we just moved from Taiwan to Serbia, again, yes. And a lot of arrangements.

One thing that was on top of my mind was the bigger girl’s school. She loves school and loves the interaction with classmates. Although, while we were in Taiwan, most of the time was spent in Covid lock-down, or we opted not to go to school but just watch the class from the laptop at home. She still had the feeling of belonging. I didn’t buy the idea of homeschooling, firstly because I wasn’t an expert, and secondly, I had my own work to do. After some time searching and contacting, I decided to send her to Savremena primary school. It is a private school, and my friend there says they are not strict with students’ performance. As most of the classes are still taught in Serbian and the older one doesn’t really speak Serbian, I guess ‘not strict’ is a good thing?

Anyway, I video-recorded some moments of her first day in school, to be remembered material. 🙂

First day in Serbian primary school

#serbiaprimaryschool #taiwan #studentlife #movingcountries