Stopover in Paris

As we tried to en route Paris and show our little one the beautiful city, I booked the plane tickets to Belgrade via Paris. For your information, Monday tickets were really expensive so I booked the Wednesday ones, which was almost USD200 cheaper each. That’s also the reason why we could have the 2 day trip to Marrakech, you can read the post here.

When we got to Paris, the temperature was really low, 20 C lower than Morocco. Oh my gosh, since this was just a stop-over for 23 hours, our luggage with all clothes was sent to Belgrade directly. So we got literally… Nothing.

We put everything that could be found on the little one and she looked quite funny, like a sushi chef… lol… at least that’s something we really love.

tour the city Paris you should be here Paris feeding pigeons under Eiffel tower girl in front of Louver girl feed pigeon in Louver girl on train to paris little girl in Paris

We stayed at the hotel. It’s small but have everthing. The next day after brekkie, it was cloudy and rainy, we took the train to the city center. First thing first, we bought more clothes for the little one and myself. I have to give credits to her dad, always has one spare set of clothes in his backpack, so he was good to go.

All dressed up, the sun came out too. Fresh air, blue sky, beautiful smell. What else could we ask for? We did some tourist sites, Lourve, Elfel tower, took the man powered tricycle to tour the city a bit.  Zoey managed to feed pigeons in a couple of places and everyone was cheerful. Paris is a beautiful city and we will be back.

You know what? Although I have seen Eifile tower a few times already, this time when I walked closer to her, I could not help getting a bit emotional. The same feeling of getting close to other masterpiece. So I really want to tell all parents, everyone, bring yourself and your kids out of home, go to places, get history knowledge where the history happened, which will be such a treasure for us.

If you want to know how to travel more with your family, free travel or even make a career out of it, contact me.