“Receiving Saliva” Ritual for the little one

Time flies?

Now the little one already turned to four months old.  According to Taiwan’s tradition, when the baby is 4 months old, parents should perform a ritual of “receiving saliva” and help the baby reduce drooling and wish her/him good luck and well development.

You are supposed to put 12 or 24 round biscuits on the red string like a necklace on baby, then everyone takes out one, touching baby’s lip/ saliva, and says good wish to him/her.

Where to find the round biscuits? Some friends suggested using donuts, well that’s quite a lot of donuts! one or two dozen, although the idea sounded appealing, but too fattening.  You would have to eat them all! or me have to. lol

ginger biscuits IKEA

Coincidentally,we went to Ikea that day and found the ginger biscuits (almost x’mas?), which was perfect. Then I used the blue ribbon from my ‘beauty drink’, then wallah! it was done. Obviously we were more excited than baby herself, as we were praying for her, she was crying the whole time!

baby with cookies around the neck


Interesting experience and well, i have been eating the biscuits for three days! 🙂