Bump into the Dead Sea

Recently I got hooked on one unique brand, it’s by accident however I also think probably by fate. I do like natural products, since a couple of years ago, I started using some products from Melaleuca, and used them for a while, some products are nice but some are average. I guess that’s true to most brands. However, it was the beginning that I did pay attention on ingredients of things I consume.

This time, it is the brand of SEACRET, a brand from the dead sea.  The travel & lifestyle club I have been a member with was hit by Covid 19, obviously. Then it started expanding the skin care & overall health portion (we had that a few years ago but only existed in the US, not around the globe). Now it’s a golden chance to start! As the saying “when god closes a door he opens a window”.

Honestly, I have been to over 20 countries, but not Isreal, not the dead sea, it is on my list. Now with Seacret, and after a good round study of the products, I am proud to say that I am a Seacret Agent. 🙂

The unique combination of innovative technology and healing Dead Sea and natural ingredients transforms SEACRET into a high quality, exclusive and sought after brand, with great reviews from Amazon.

seacret from dead sea

since ancient times – even the famous Cleopatra was seduced by Dead Sea’s therapeutic powers when Rome ruled the region. Cleopatra would bathe in Dead Sea waters and use a Dead Sea mud mask. She maintained the youthful skin as 16 years old when she was 36. Thanks to her, the ancient world recognized the Dead Sea’s curative properties and people traveled from everywhere to bathe in the Dead Sea waters, enjoy the Dead Sea minerals found in Dead Sea salt, Dead Sea mud and Dead Sea water.

Today, the Dead Sea is renowned for its unique, healing benefits remarkable results and natural ability to regenerate the skins own vital functions, like Acne, eczema, wrinkles…

Apart from the wonderful products, the best part is it is a career, business that you can pursue and succeed, which can help your family and many others to live a better life with better lifestyle.

I will talk about this part in detail in my other post.