Colorful Marrakech, I will come back again!

Like last Casablanca post stated, I didn’t book the dreamtrip for Marrekech, which I regretted sincerely. We were afraid that the trip might take too long time and since the Sahara dessert tour wasn’t included, so I let it go. While we were in Casablanca, and a lot of friends would go to Marrekech then I looked at the itinerary again, omg, now I realized that how awesome and value for money that trip was. Anyway, too late to book. Due to the air ticket price difference, we decided to stay in Morocco for two more days, so I suggested to go to Marrekech ourselves as we kinda of seen a lot of Casablanca already.

Then we started renting the car at last min. almost all cars rented out already (well, that’s reasonable).  Finally we got one car from Sixt, not great condition, not cheap, but seemed like we didn’t have too much of a choice then. So, here we go, on the road again!

The drive was alright, about 3+ hours, till the evening, we arrived at the Madina, I didn’t really do too much research and oh mine, the old city street is extremely narrow, not really a good idea to drive a car inside. So we immediately started looking for parking, there were a couple of guys trying to warn us not to go specific side, but follow him; we were alerted and went the opposite side. And then came to a car park looking place, a few guys there, one of them looks quite smooth, the other looked a bit furious… well, the smooth guy looked at our address, said, yes this is the closest car park. We didn’t have any knowledge other than listening to him, so we agreed to settle. They pushed a few cars around to make some room for us. Lol. That’s why they also told us not to pull the hand break then everything can be flexible. The fee is 10 euro for two nights. Then the smooth guys was very enthusiastic and suggested to take us to our riad, we hesitated, but eventually said yes. He led us the way, zig zag zig zag, took a while to get to the point which made me questioning if that parking was the closest option. When we reached the riad (local style hotel), the reception came out and talked to the guys with some emotion (I didn’t think that he approved what the smooth guy was doing, but what could he do now?).  The smooth guys left, my husband gave him 2 euro as tips. The hotel guy told us that parking wasn’t the closest, and there was a much closer way to get there, normally the parking should be 2 euro per night.  I wasn’t so pleased; however, we did always pay for our lessons. Fix the bad mood and start explore the new city that we are in!

The first note of comparing dreamtrip with free style trip: security. Worry free.