Gaemi’s Grand Entrance: A Typhoon Tale from Taiwan

In the past few days, one of the hot topics in the news has been the arrival of Typhoon Gaemi. I suspect most workers in Taiwan were secretly praying for the coveted “Typhoon holiday” – a day or two off work, depending on the weather forecast. The best part? It’s a paid day off! 😊 I think you know exactly what I mean.

As the first typhoon of the season to affect Taiwan, Gaemi is expected to make landfall on the northeast coast on Wednesday (which is today). It may linger around on Thursday, wane on Friday afternoon, and then move towards Fujian in mainland China.

Last night around 9pm, I finally dragged myself to PXmart, one of the most widespread and popular supermarket chains in Taiwan. The scene was surreal – the store was packed with people, and almost all the shelves were stripped bare! When I asked a store staff member if they’d be open the next day, they confirmed they would. This made me wonder if the panicked shopping was a bit of an overreaction. That said, while city areas will likely fare better, people in mountainous regions do need to be extra cautious due to the risk of landslides and other hazards.

According to the news, Taiwan’s defense ministry was gearing up to assist with disaster relief, putting 29,000 soldiers on standby. Additionally, almost all domestic flights had been grounded, along with 27 international flights. Talk about preparation!

Come Wednesday morning, the rain was surprisingly mild. I couldn’t help but think that many bosses might be feeling a bit miffed about the seemingly unnecessary day off. 😉 As for me, being a mom with two kids at home, I found myself unable to accomplish much. ☹ I did manage to take a short video from the balcony, though. The rain, while not insignificant, still seemed manageable for everyday life.

Heavy rain ahead of Typhoon Gaemi in New Taipei

Word on the street is that the eye of Typhoon Gaemi is yet to arrive, probably making landfall sometime tonight. Only time will tell how this will play out. Stay tuned for more typhoon adventures!