Winter Stroll in Prague

The little girl’s kindergarten got one week off during the first week of January. So we decided to go for a small road trip to Prague, then Budapest and back to Belgrade.

I was hoping, wishing that we could have snowy weather as previously saw many Prague in snow photos, which are incredible. However the weather forecast was showing rainy weather… well, better cloudy than rainy, please!

In the end, we got some rain, some wind, some cloud… but not snow.  Overall, it was alright, as you know, Prague is always beautiful no matter what kind of weather you are in.

This is our 3rd time to Prague, but our daughter’s first time.  She is happy, she is general a little happy traveller, now she is hooked on some ‘trips’, and always asks us if we are going on any trip soon as she really enjoys staying in hotels. lol.

We visited some signature places and I am just listing a few according to the photos shared here.

A lunch in the new hip area.  I ordered Indian style beef, however the rice is too stiff, should stick to western food if you are not too sure about the eatery’s quality on Asian food.


The dancing house.  Interestingly, the ‘On lease’ sign is quite shiny, maybe people working here are tired of all tourists photo shooting them all day long!



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