A Short but Unforgettable Getaway to Waiao Beach, Toucheng

Summer break was ending, and we hadn’t had that epic family adventure yet. Sound familiar? We craved the salty breeze, the roar of the ocean, and memories to cherish. Luckily, a last-minute decision led us to Toucheng, a charming coastal town in Taiwan renowned for its surfing activities.

A Surfing Spot That Called Our Name

Toucheng is a hidden gem in Taiwan, especially if you’re into surfing. Once I learned about the waves and the surfing culture, I was sold. My eldest, Zoey, was thrilled about trying out a surfing class, so I quickly booked us into the Wushi Gang OA Hotel. While there was a slightly pricier hotel next door, I figured we’d spend most of our time on the beach anyway, so why splurge on fancy amenities? However, it’s worth noting that during the summer, even a basic room can set you back over $220 USD per night—more than double the off-season rate!

A Journey to the Coast

Our journey was a breeze. We hopped on a train from Yuanshan and then caught the 1877 bus to Toucheng. Upon arrival, we grabbed a quick bite at the tourist center and marveled at the Lanyang Museum’s stunning architecture. Though we didn’t go inside (no time for history this trip!), the building alone was worth a look.

bus from taipei to toucheng, taiwan
Lanyang Museum

First Impressions and a Pool Letdown

The hotel was cozy enough—two queen-sized beds with a lovely view that the kids adored. Naturally, the first thing we did was check out the swimming pool. Sadly, it was a bit of a letdown. Located on the rooftop, it was more of a spa pool—small, shallow, and not what we were hoping for. The staff mentioned that the neighboring hotel had a much better pool, which made sense since both properties share the same owner. It’s clear the owner wanted to cater to different budgets with these two hotels. If you’re visiting outside the peak season, I’d recommend splurging on the pricier option for better amenities.

view from OA hotel balcony

The Beach Beckons

That evening, we strolled down to Waiao Beach to get a feel for the place. The sand wasn’t the romantic white variety, but the ocean’s vastness was awe-inspiring nonetheless. The sight and sound of the waves brought back memories of my diving days—a little nostalgic and wholly wonderful. The beach was buzzing with surfing enthusiasts, and there were plenty of surf schools offering lessons.

I chatted with one of the surf companies via Line, hoping Zoey could take a surfing class. Unfortunately, she’s just shy of the recommended age and height for standing surf lessons. But that didn’t stop us! We decided to go body surfing instead.

beautiful waiao beach, can see Gui shan from here
sisters play in the sand

Waves of Laughter

The surf company we talked to didn’t offer body surfing lessons, but they did rent us a couple of boards. Zoey took to it like a fish to water—fearless and utterly captivated by the waves. Watching her rush back to the sea again and again filled me with joy. Even little Ella, who just turned six, joined in the fun. With me holding the board, she too enjoyed the thrill of the waves. Their laughter echoed over the water, sending me straight to cloud nine. It was a simple joy, but it was one of the best moments of our trip.

girl ready for body surf

A Promise to Return

We only had time for that one session of body surfing, but I’ve promised the girls that we’ll come back. The experience was too precious not to repeat.

A Final Note on Breakfast

Before we headed home, we had breakfast at the the Archipelago (the sister hotel of OA Hotel), it’s the more luxurious one, and let me tell you—the brekkie was top-notch. The spread was impressive, with a wide variety of fresh and delicious options. I’d rate it a solid 9.2 out of 10. We didn’t take many videos, as I didn’t want to intrude on other guests, but trust me when I say it was one of the best hotel breakfasts we’ve had in Taiwan.

Our short stay at Waiao Beach was incredibly satisfying, and I find myself wishing we had booked a few more days. No doubt, we’ll be back for more ocean adventures soon!

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